I'm writing this blog post to share my thoughts on the impact of widespread adoption of transgenderism and gender ideology. I am in no way a professional in terms of writing/blogging or politics and I am also not a gender studies major or biologist nor am I a part of the "LGBTQ+" community, which to some individuals renders me as someone who has no right to speak on the matter. But I really don't care.
What is "gender ideology?" Gender ideology is a construct created by John William Money, a psychologist, sexologist, and author from New Zealand. He is widely known as the de facto spokesman and creator of modern day gender ideology and gender identity. He created the first medical institution in America that performed sexual reassignment surgeries on infants and adults. The institution was established at Johns Hopkins University under the name of "Johns Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic". He was an extremely controversial figure following his John/Joan experiment and his opinions on pedophilia. Dr. Money believed that there was seemingly two forms of pedophilia and that they could be easily differentiated based on if the relationship between an adult and a minor was exclusively platonic or exclusively sexual or a mix of both. This led to his opinionated conclusion that pedophilia in which a minor and an adult have an exclusively platonic relationship is justifiable and should be legalized. Although his views on pedophilia were controversial, nothing compared to the gender reassignment experiment that he undertook in 1966. The experiment followed two twins of the same sex, Bruce and Brian Reimer. The twins were born on the 22nd of August 1965, when they were 7 months old their mother had taken them to a medical clinic where they were supposed to be circumsised. A technological malfunction occured during the circumcision of Bruce Reimer in which a less common form of the procedure known as electrocauterization was being used. This malfunction unfortunately caused most of his penis to be removed, and so naturally the parents cancelled the circumcision of their other son Brian. Shortly after the devastating incident, the boy's mother was recommended to Dr. John Money because of his prominence in the medical field of reproduction around that time. Dr. Money advised them to raise Bruce as if he were born a biological female, this wasn't for the children or the parent's sake, rather it was to test his new research on gender ideology. You see, Dr. Money was almost certain that the environment and social setting that a child grows up in is what determines whether they are a male or female, rather than their chromosomal makeup or reproductive organs. Dr. Money and his team performed a vaginoplasty on Bruce, now "appropriately" named Brenda. A vaginoplasty is a procedure that results in the construction of the female vagina from existing genital tissues. From that day on "Brenda" was raised as if she was born a biological female, and he was never told the truth about his true identity. Dr. Money arranged visits with the children every day until they were thirteen, during these visits "Brenda" and Brian would be forced to roleplay various mature and grotuesqe sexual positions. The purpose of these visits stemmed from the ideas of Alfred Charles Kinsey who believed that sexual behaviour was directly "baked" into our core instincts as a human and that sexual behaviour in various forms was necessary for humans to function proberly. At one point in time "Brenda" had told his mom that if him and Brian were forced to return to Dr. Money for a visit that he would commit suicide. After this, Reimer's endochrinologist informed his mother that it would be best for "Brenda" to know of his true identity. When "Brenda" was informed that he was a biological male, he transitioned back to a male and went by the name "David Reimer". He used medications such as testosterone to reverse the effects of the estrogen which was originally given to him, as well as undergoing another gender reassignment surgery known as a phalloplasty to construct a new penis. 17 years later at the age of 31 after marrying his new spouse Jane Fontane and adopting her three children, he came out and told his story publicly to academic sexologist Milton Diamond. He debunked previous claims that Dr.money stated had made that said that the expiriment was a complete success. David's account of what had happened was turned into a New York times best-seller titled "As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised As a Girl," written by John Colapinto in 2000. David was sporadically unemployed and he would soon find out that his brother Brian who was only 36 years old had overdosed on antidepressants and died. Because of his unemployement and other reasons his wife decided she wanted a divorce. He agreed to the divorce and two days later he drove to the parking lot of a grocery store in his home town of Winnipeg where he proceeded to shoot himself in the head with a sawed off shotgun. He was only 38 at the time of his death.
Unfortunately for reasons that I can not ascertain, Dr.John Money was never convicted of any crimes. He said he was mortified about what he had done, and consequently what the expiriment led to. Many of his peers also scrutinized him for his false claim that the expiriment was a success. But in my opinion the most horrifying thing about this incident is that Dr.Monesy studies layed the framework for modern day gender ideology, and many people that support and/or a part of the "LGBTQ+" community still support and advocate for Dr.Moneys ideals. These are the same ideals that say grils can be boys and boys can be girls.